When Dan and I first visited Vail in June, I posted pictures (shocker!). My friend Isaac, who works for the New York Philharmonic, commented to tell me that the orchestra would be performing in Vail in July as part of the town’s Bravo! Vail programming.
That was all I needed to hear. Dan and I booked a long weekend in Vail and had the good fortune to spend time with Isaac between rehearsals and concerts. We even got to catch Beethoven’s Eroica, conducted by Jaap van Zweden.

But that’s not where the trip’s excitement ends. Dan reached out to his friend Nathan — a fellow bike nut — who flew in from Nashville to join us. Vail has phenomenal downhill mountain bike courses which Dan and Nathan spent two full days exploring. (Look for pictures from their adventures tomorrow.)

Last but absolutely not least is Tonya! Tonya is my beautiful, kind and brilliant friend who also happens to be Isaac’s wife. Both Tonya and I were making working vacations out of our visit to Vail, but stole a morning to take on, of all things, goat yoga.

Hand to god, this one was Tonya’s idea!

Goat yoga is exactly what it sounds like. You do some yoga. Goats are around. End of story.

It ends up being a glorified photo session, which was just fine by us. The goats know what’s up: they gave us 20 minutes to get oriented, then started rambling around to receive their cuddles. Afterwards they tolerated being balanced on our backs (wait for it) before being led to the pen where their food is.

The goats all had names like Goatie Hawn and Van Goat.

Here we go, the money shots. I started in a tabletop position and later attempted to transition to a plank and a downward-facing dog. The goat chewed on my hair and was not particularly concerned about anything I was doing.

By the way, I did not realize I was still capable of wheel pose (the backbend below). I think it was a combination of the heat and the inspiration from the goats.

Meeting over coffee is boring. Thank you for making memories with me instead, Tonya!

2 thoughts on “Vail, the New York Philharmonic and goat yoga”