33 in 3: Sawtooth Oak

(This post is part of my 33 in 3 project.) This morning I hunted down another Champion Tree in Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum. I believe there are five but I’ve never found them all. This specific sawtooth oak is located near the entrance. Like the dawn redwood, the sawtooth oak started out in Asia but has naturalized […]

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33 in 3: Writing group

A mere 5 days after my 33rd birthday, I was able to knock an item off of my 33 in 3 list: #13, Participate in a writing group. I’ve been hearing the name Women Writing for (a) Change for easily ten years, because… to be honest… things that are for Women are usually not for […]

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33 in 3: Dawn Redwood

On my list of 33 things I’d like to accomplish in the next 3 years, item #22 is to learn to identify 10 trees. I have a fond memory of hunting down trees with my grandfather for my 5th grade leaf project (ahem). This was my grandfather’s element, he could identify them by sight. He passed away many years […]

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