Ginger and Baker and Wolverine. And camel. (But not pig.)

Hey, a restaurant that’s newer to town than I am!

Ginger and Baker has only been open a week or so. It’s an enormous complex with two restaurants, a pie and coffee shop, a cutesy gift shop, and a training kitchen. If the photos below look as though they were taken at different times of day, that may be because I have already been there three times… once for dinner, twice for pie.

It’s worth taking a minute to read the history of the building that now houses Ginger and Baker.

Ginger and Baker was a bonus — Dan and my real aim was Wolverine Farm, which hosts a series called Science on Tap. “Come for the beer, stay for the science.” (Or, if you’re Dan and me: “Come for the science, sit quietly in the corner and don’t meet anyone.”)

Originally the presentation was going to be about… I’m honestly not sure, industrial pig farms or something of that ilk. But when we arrived:

ME: Hi, we’re here to learn about pigs?
CLERK: Oh, that’s been changed. It’s about camels now.

It happens.

When we walked in, I will admit I was intimidated by the slide that awaited us:

But what followed was a riveting conversation by Dr. Adney about her work studying animals’ roles in the spread of infectious diseases. The presentation was accessible, informative and even funny, and kept Dan and me chatting for our whole 2-mile walk home.

The topic of the next Science on Tap has not been announced yet… which is probably just as well.

Hello, gorgeous.
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